Household Product Stickers


At Chooexpress Label, we have both the expertise and technology required that will assist in fulfilling your household product stickers specific requirements. We utilize both Letterpress and Flexography machines that have the capability to print high-quality labels on various substrates such as paper based, film based or even transparent material. Regardless of shape, size, custom designs, quantity, textures and even project timeline, we are present with our best customer service to help you deliver your household product sticker needs all the time.


Household products labels need to fill many roles. Not only are the products – bleach, soaps, laundry detergents, furniture polishes – versatile, the label has to be as well. A household products label needs to be both durable and informative. And of course, it must be aesthetically appealing and capable of standing out on a crowded shelf.


Functionally speaking, adherence to the package is critical for this label market. The substrate and ink have to be able to withstand external agents like sunlight, chemicals from the product, and water. The label will typically encounter these elements throughout normal use of the product. In addition, the brand of the label has to be crisp and clear as long as its shelf life.


To make sure all these issues are ironed out, we provide laminating or varnishing in order to protect your label’s graphics. From a material standpoint, your label should be durable enough to handle the abrasion and chemicals while not suffering any tears from day-to-day usage.


Chooexpress label is your ultimate choice when it comes down to supplying quality, cost-efficient and resistant household product labels that have a long shelf life. Head on over to our portfolio to explore the sample of high-quality household product stickers that we have printed for leading companies. 

Contact us  to get a reasonable quote from our team!

Household Products Stickers

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